Miami to Washington, DC | American Airlines # 1068 | Seat #19D


It is nice when it all works out. Like this morning when I got to the airport on time, got through security without hassle, and got to my gate with time to spare. The only problem from my perspective was the lack of decent coffee (Dunkin Donuts does not qualify) between security and my gate.

I asked the gate agent where i could find coffee. She directed me to get 35, “just down the hall.” Being at gate 30 it certainly seemed reasonable enough. Turns out that gate 35, and more importantly Starbucks, is the best kept secret at Miami International. “Just down the hall” actually means “just down the hall, make a left despite the lack of a sign, go down the escalator and look over your right shoulder.” That is where the Starbucks is.

So, after my little search and rescue mission for coffee I was back at gate 30 to board, triple grande skim mocha in hand. And off to DC I went. And now my work in DC is done, but I missed my flight home and I’m killing time in the airport before a 10pm flight. Bummer.

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